Can I rollover an existing 401k plan?


Absolutely! There are two ways to roll over your funds into an Aspiration IRA.


  1. First, open an Aspiration IRA account by investing as little as $1 into the Redwood Fund to establish the account. Once you have opened an Aspiration IRA, please contact your 401k plan administrator and request a transfer into your new Aspiration IRA.  Keep in mind that other options besides a 401(k) rollover may be available, and for some investors, staying in the existing 401(k) plan might be more beneficial.
  2. Alternatively, you could liquidate your current holdings into a checking or savings account and use that money to open an IRA with us. You’ll have 60 days to complete the transfer before incurring any early withdrawal penalties.


We recommend researching your personal tax situation or consulting a tax advisor before proceeding with a rollover transaction, as Aspiration does not provide tax advice.
