Tips for using Mobile Check Deposit


Tips for using Mobile Check Deposit

  • Make sure the check exactly matches your name only
  • Properly Endorse your check: 
    • Sign your name.
    • Write the exact words “For Mobile Deposit at Aspiration” on the back below your signature. It’s not enough to just check the box “for mobile deposit.”
  • Make sure the amount entered exactly matches the amount of your check
  • Make sure you’re in a well lit room, and that the check is on a flat non reflective surface.
  • Wipe your camera lens. Make sure you capture all 4 corners of the image, and that you can read the check in the image before you accept it.
  • If applicable, restart your phone, restart the app, or delete and reinstall the app and try again.
  • Follow all the instructions carefully and take your time.
  • Reference this article for more info on checks we cannot except and other limitations
